Tracing lines 9


Tracing lines

You might know this type of exercise from school. They are here to prepare children for handwriting by teaching them to write the shapes necessary for individual letters. It is important that children use the whole arm when writing the shapes and move the hand along the line together with the pencil. Of course, the first thing a child must learn is how to hold a pencil correctly with a tripod grip. However, it is better for children to teach them the grip while they are drawing, coloring, or doing some other easy graphomotor activities. The activities offered here are numbered according to their difficulty.


Activities in this category are designed to support the development of drawing and writing abilities in children at different levels. To achieve good writing and drawing skills various preparatory exercises are suitable to support fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. When practicing any of them, pay attention to the correct tripod grip, as well as to the correct placement of paper and hand on the table. With the correct tripod grip, the child holds the pencil between the thumb and forefinger and supports it with his or her middle finger. The forearm is on the table and the paper is placed on the left in front of the hand with a pencil (this applies to the right-hander). While drawing or writing, the child ideally engages the entire arm, including the shoulder and elbow. To prepare the hand for drawing some preparatory exercises that engage the whole hand might be needed, e.g. drawing circles, eight signs or other shapes on a large format paper.