Fill in letters 2
To correctly spell and write the words in English is not an easy task. First, teach the child individual letters and their simple sounds, so called phonics. At this step letter cards with pictures are very useful, as many games can be played with them. They can also be used by child to compose the first words. Once the child knows the individual letters and their sounds, he or she will also be able to distinguish them in individual words. First, he or she will be able to distinguish the first letter, then the last, and gradually will learn to spell whole simple words. Add more complex graphemes and phonemes gradually, as your child makes progress with reading.
Auditory perception
Correct auditory perception is important for the ability to read, to write, as well as to learn foreign languages. It is not about developing musical talent, but rather about developing children's ability to distinguish individual sounds, syllables and words, recognize their length, as well as the basic rhythm of speech. You can practice these skills without paper by playing various games, such as name-city-animal-thing or by creating strings of words starting with the end letter of the previous word, etc. However, they can be combined also with graphomotor activities on paper.
Reading is a skill that most of us learned in school. However, there are many curious children who learn to read on their own already at preschool age or, on the contrary, have certain problems with the acquisition of this ability. The activities in this category are intended mainly for these two groups of children and are intended to help them start to read in a playful and simple way. They should be preceded by activities developing auditory and visual perception. Comics with clear and simple texts, or texts with color-coded syllables, are also a very suitable alternative.